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About Body Wrapping

Body wrapping moisturizes and cleanses your skin, detoxifies your body, tightens loose tissue and gives you exceptional and lasting inch loss. It is excellent for reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.


The average person will lose between 5-14" on their first wrap, some will get even better results. A series of 3-7 wraps can be purchased for continued results.

Wrapping History

Body wraps have been used for thousands of years dating back to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Bodywraps were traditionally performed to heal the body and beautify the skin. In more recent years, body wrapping started to gain in popularity in European countries. Today, body wraps have become a popular treatment around the world for detoxifying, firming, toning, and losing inches.

How wraps work

Body wraps work on the lymphatic system to rid the body of toxins and impurities or pollutants. The lymphatic system provides the body with immune defenses and removes foreign waste and cell debris from the blood. Within the lymph fluid there are microscopic vessels called lymphatic capillaries that drain excess fluid that does not return to the blood capillaries. In addition, these capillaries also absorb protein from the tissue fluid. When fluids enter the lymphatic capillaries, they take on the name lymph.

This lymphatic fluid or lymph moves through a network of vessels where pressure from blood in neighboring capillaries forces lymph into tissue spaces where it gives the appearance of enlarged fatty tissue on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. The build up of toxins and unwanted fats in the skin, when stored over time will expand the volume of the fatty tissue and cause the body to retain more water. These toxins and fatty expansions of the skin cells can be eliminated with body wraps.

Body wraps enhance movement of lymph and connective tissue fluids, thus promoting normal, healthy, functioning of the lymph system. Toxins and impurities are removed from the body through the natural waste system.

Body wrapping is a completely natural approach to shedding inches and tightening and firming loose skin. When coupled with a good diet and a series of wrap treatments, you can lose inches that will stay off and will improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.

What about dieting and exercise?

We find that dieting will soften the fat deposits so the treatment will take off the inches quicker. Exercise will firm and tone the muscles, particularly well in the stomach area. Exercise will burn the fat from the body and increase body metabolism. For best health, everybody should exercise several hours each week. However, even strenuous exercise does very little for actually getting rid of hardened fat like cellulite.

How does it reduce inches?

The cloth wraps are applied warm so the pores will open allowing the solution to get down into the fat deposits. The aloe vera in the solution will penetrate the protein wall of the fat cell and allow the herbs in the solution to begin dissipating the bulky toxins into the lymph system. After the wrap we ask the client to drink water to flush out the broken down fat and toxins so the are GONE!!! It is not a water loss – but a definite inch loss.

Will my lost inches come back?

Clients on this program have kept off the inches and pounds better and easier than with any other weight loss system. Keep in mind that one cannot continue eating at a size larger than they wish to be. Avoid alcohol, salt, spices, sugar and oils as these will keep the water you drink from flushing through the lymphatic system to cleanse your body of the unwanted toxins and fat. Fat is not heavy so only about one pound of weight loss will occur after drinking water to flush the body.

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